« It’s all about SuperGlam!! »
I am Sacha Delone (born « Stephane Delnaye » ), guitarist-singer at SuperGlam, I produce my music and some other artists, I am also a music teacher.
I’ve been performing with SuperGlam over Europe and the USA for more then 10 years. I do also play for 2 other bands (Reckless and Roll – tribute to The Pretty Reckless and « Punchette »-french punk rock ) which are about to follow the same path.
« Le studio de sacha »
My online new music school, 100/100 free : this a place where I help people who want to learn music, create their own project and promote it. The link is in the menu :-) .
Glam-ON !
NEWS !! SuperGlam new single !!
Check out my new song « Space Trazeller »
From my « SuperGlam » Rock project
Biography :
Sacha Delone (Born « Stephane Delnaye » ) : guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer and guitar teacher.
From charisma to glamour, the seduction of his vocal and guitaristic universe is sensitive, the sensitivity of Sacha Delone, aka Stéphane Delnaye, born on one of the hills surrounding the Belgian city of Liège, the « Fiery City », at the end of the seventies.
Sacha’s music is blossoming into melodious, oniric and human dimensions.
Since the genesis of Superglam in 2013, Paris, the SUNDANCE FESTIVAL (Utah-USA), the
VIPER ROOM (West Hollywood-USA), and NEW YORK are some of the top destinations that
have sealed the fate of Sacha, offering a touch of exoticism and even fascination to its journey.
Such a trajectory can only inspire, and this is what is happening at the very moment you
read these lines, at the core of SuperGlam where a new level of artistic maturity is
Sacha is producing the new universe of SuperGlam at his own studio, giving, song after
song, chronicle after chronicle, image after image, a kind of Cyber-Glam “allure” to the
Personnal life, early days in the music industry :
Born on april the 5th 1976 in Belgium, Sacha was raised in Africa and in the middle east. Back in Belgium in 1991, he bought his first guitar at the age of 17 and joined his first coverband at the age of 19.
At the age of 26, He obtained a diploma in Architecture, specialized in creative process and founded his first original band called « Lone » and had his first songs placed into u.s. compilations. His pseudo, « Sacha de Lone » came out at this time.
In 2010, Sacha decided to found his Glam-Rock solo project, « SuperGlam » and had the chance to do it with Rudy Lenners ( Ex Scorpions, producer, composition and arrangements ). At the same time, Sacha obtained a qualification in Public Relations that helped promoting the SuperGlam project worldwide and get his firsts concerts in the u.s.a. (Sundance Film Festival-utah-2013)
In 2015, his second Sundance experience gave him the chance to connect with Steven Fisk ( Seattle – Pigeonhead-Nirvana, Soundgarden ) who mixed sacha’s « Under The Moonwind » single. He also started to work as a guitar teacher.
In 2019, during his third U.S. experience Sacha had the chance to perform at the Viper Room (West-Hollywood) at the « Jam on Sunset » and sang Bowie Songs : Space Oddity and Let’s Dance.
In 2020, Sacha built up his home studio in Belgium and started to work on the production of his SuperGlam concept album « The chronicles of the space traveller » and on other rock projects.
Gear :
« My heart, my ears, and then : my fingers and my voice. »
And, a cpl of cool tools :
Guits :
* Vintage Lemon drop V100PGM Reissued
* Ibanez RG770 pt lt grey 1995
* Ibanez CMM1 2014 Chris Miller signature
(L)Amps :
* Marshall 100w tsl 602 combo
* Jet City Soldano tech 20w head + 100 w speakers
* Cubase pro 11
* Amp simulator Neural DSP – Soldano archetype
Fx :
* Line6 PODxtlive,
…Fuzz, wah wah, flanger, delay… that’s way enough…(Less is more)
And, my favorite physical and online music store : Daniels Musical Sound
